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Emperor’s Gold Sovereign

E M P E R O R ' S  G O L D  S O V E R E I G N

The Emperor’s Gold Sovereign is the official currency of the empire. It is sometimes abbreviated as EGS, gold sovereigns, or simply sovereigns.

The EGS is a large rectangular coin. Although it’s referred to as a coin, it is as close to a bar as it is to a coin. The EGS is minted under the supervision of the Imperial Consul of the Central Bank, is made of .4 pounds of gold, and is intricately inscribed with hieroglyphics.

The translation of those hieroglyphics on the coin is as follows.

Front: This is one of the Emperor’s Gold Sovereigns. It was minted by the Central Bank. It bears the Seal of the Imperial Consul of the Treasury. It bears the seal of the Emperor Kordaava. The wealth of all people of Chaldea rests on the shoulders of this coin. This coin represents the Emperor’s debt to its holder. No man, beast, or god shall refuse to honor this debt. This coin shall be justly stripped from any who gain it unlawfully.

Back: Set is the one true god. Set has ascended Emperor Kordaava to the ranks of divinity. Set has appointed Emperor Kordaava to this world of Chaldea in Set’s name. Coins represent obligation. Set’s obligation is peace, harmony, and prosperity for Chaldea. The obligation of the people is to worship Set and none other. The fulfillment of obligations is crucial for status in the afterlife.

The gold sovereign is worth far too much money for common use. For daily commerce, the people of Chaldea use various local currencies, depending on which kingdom they are in. Gold sovereigns are used for transactions between governments, royalty, and banks.

All regional currencies have some exchange rate with the EGS. This exchange rate is set by the Central Bank, and favorable or unfavorable exchange rates are used to reward or punish kingdoms for compliance with Imperial law.